Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from Grand River Dachshunds
Posted on December 22nd, 2020
This is the best my Christmas cards will be this year . Overall it was a good year besides...COVID. We started off with a litter of 7 puppies from absolute DC #willowwire. Thankfully Dana & Dad were still in California - they came out for Christmas. Then I took everyone to Texas to the Field Trial national. #sir_bentley placed 4th out of 33 FCD at the field trial before the national. The following weekend in Chino, #missval finishes her field championship in 6 trials. COVID hits, I drive everyone (including the puppies - this was their 2nd multi-day trip under 12 weeks old) to South Dakota to join my sister Dana Gehring. On the way out we make a stop in Colorado, #tinytim flies to his new home in Austin, TX, and #jaxon & #harrison go live with their Daddy #theking and our friend Celli. That leaves 3 puppies and the 3 adults in the car (we lost #misspinky at 5 weeks old - heartbreaking to say the least). Then in South Dakota, Dana & I both work remotely with terrible internet. We had several adventures even though COVID was a downer including multiple camping trips (we went to Yellowstone, a couple of trips to McLaughlin, & Spearfish). We went to Chance to bring Mom some lighthouse lights. We found an amazing home through #gooddog for #mrbear. His new owner drove out to South Dakota from Minnesota to get the little guy. I loved him dearly, but honestly, he was too attached to me - I couldn't go out of his sight without him whining. Fortunately, all is good at his new home.
Then I find an amazing home for #willowwire in Chicago, IL. She is an amazing support to her new owner. She is very dedicated to Willow and I'm so glad we found her. In August and September, the puppies attended some dog shows. #harrison got 2 majors - 1 five-point major and 1 3-point major out of the puppy classes with Celli handling him. My dad joins Dana & me at her house in September. It was very nice being able to spend time with both of them. October we went to the Harvest Moon Field Trials which was my first time. We had a great time camping in a tent. Our highlights include #fynnbin getting 2 firsts, a second, and an NBQ to start and complete his field championship within the first 5 days of the trials (Fynn was Willow and #aldeberan 's singleton litter from July 2019). He lives with the Lapinsohn in Colorado. #ohmerci got 2 second places in the open bitch class. #raileyjo got 1 first place out of 26, and an NBQ in the open bitch class. #jaxon got an NBQ. #aldeberan got a 2nd place to his son #fynnbin and #theking got a 4th place. We also got to see Willow and her owner Diane, they came over for the day. It was so nice to connect with them. After 8 months at Dana's house, I came back to California to check on my place and attend Field Trials on the weekends. I brought back #sir_bentley of course as well as 2 of the puppies - #tuxedoman & #ohmerci. In addition, I brought back #missval & #thekings sister #heartyheart and #raileyjo to run in the field. #RaileyJo moved in with my colleague Margot and her cat, Cinnamon Sticks. Railey loves the cat as well as Margot - it was an easy and smooth transition for her. She loves the attention that she gets and that she doesn't have to share it with #godiegogo and #daxadoodle. Thus far we have been very successful in the field. #raileyjo finished her field championship/dual championship the first trial back with a 4th place a few days after her 12th birthday. #tuxedoman has gotten 1 first, 2 seconds, and 1 NBQ in the 4 trials he was entered in. #ohmerci has gotten a 3rd, 2 NBQs, and a first to almost finish her Field Championship (she needs less than 2 points). And #heartyheart has gotten 1 3rd in the field in addition to passing the hunt test with #sir_bentley (he had to sit out of the field trials since I wanted to focus on the open classes). We have 1 field trial weekend left in 2020. I will be in California to finish the field trial season through the middle of February and then head back to South Dakota since I'll continue working remotely for the spring. Yeah, most of this is about the dogs but I don't have kids so I can't talk about all of their activities.
Oh yeah and I also created a Grand River Dachshunds website (haha this!) and logo.
Have a wonderful Christmas!
- Denise